6-7 July 2019

G/F Open Piazza, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

About Japanese Summer Festival

About Japanese Summer Festival


Japanese Summer Festival is a celebration covering Japanese traditional and popular culture, performing arts, food& beverage, knowledge exchange, sales promotion, etc. This year, it will be held at the Hopewell Center on 6-7 July.

Japanese Summer Festival will provide a platform to appreciate the beauty of Japan and encourage the cultural exchange between Hong Kong and Japan.


Nomi-go-round 飲みーゴーランド 2019

Nomi-go-round 飲みーゴーランド 2019

This summer, we are going to bring you a range of sakes and fruit liqueur from different breweries in this event at 1563 At The East! Let’s beat the summer heat with these summer drinks!

In between, we are pleased to have the first Miss SAKE Hong Kong, Bowie, to join the sake tasting event and introduce different sakes with all the guests. Bowie is also an International Kiki-sakeshi, who possesses professional knowledge of sake and walked over half of the sake breweries in Japan. Come and enjoy a relaxing sake tasting party with us!

今個夏天,即將於1563At The East 舉行的品酒會,我們為你帶來一系列來自不同酒莊的清酒及果實酒讓你消一消暑氣。

屆時,香港首位MissSAKE Hong Kong–文寶兒(Bowie)一同參與是次品酒會及為大家介紹不同的清酒。Bowie是一名SSI國際唎酒師, 擁有專業的清酒知識,她亦走訪了日本不同的酒莊!誠邀你一同享受品酒樂趣,度過一個輕鬆的下午!

6 July 2019
3pm – 5pm

1563 At the East
6/FHopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Nomi-go-round 飲みーゴーランド -  Standard Ticket

Nomi-go-round 飲みーゴーランド - Early Bird Ticket


Fingerstyle Guitar Performance - Hikaru Tanimoto 指彈結他表演 - 谷本光

Taiko Performance 太鼓表演

Iaido Traditional Japanese Swordsmanship 日本傳統劍術表演 - 居合道

Hong Kong Doujin Philharmonia 香港同人管弦樂團

Other Happenings...

Yukata Experience 浴衣體驗

Traditional Japanese Hair Clip Workshop 和風花頭飾

Wind Chime DIY Workshop 手繪風鈴工作坊

Omamoir Workshop 御守摺紙工作坊

Contact Us


Fill in the form below or email us: marketing@cru-magazine.com

15 + 9 =


Thanks for your interest in Japanese Summer Festival 2019 as well as the Nomi-go-round Tasting.
We regret to have to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, Japanese Summer Festival 2019 and Nomi-go-round 2019 will be postponed to 6-7 July 2019 and 6 July 2019 respectively.
Please note that venue, time of the event and the arrangement of the event will remain unchanged. Please also note that purchased entry tickets will remain valid for the new date. 


*Nomi-go-round Tasting*
Date 日期: 6 JUL 2019 (SAT 星期六)
Time 時間: 3pm – 5pm
Venue: 1563 at the East, 6/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai
地點: 灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心6樓1563 at the East

For enquiry, please contact us at marketing@cru-magazine.com